Author: Click Physiotherapy

Caleb is an experienced physiotherapist and founder of Click Physiotherapy - online physiotherapy for musculoskeletal injuries. He is passionate about treating knee and tendon injuries and online physiotherapy. His goal is to help anyone get access to physiotherapy no matter their location or financial situation. Caleb has experience in both private practice and the hospital setting. His skill sets involve mostly around musculoskeletal injury. He did his bachelors and then Masters degree at the University of Queensland.

Strength in Adaptation: The Impact of Physiotherapy on Ehlers-Danlos Management

The complexity of managing Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can be overwhelming, which often minimizes the dramatic impact Physiotherapy can have on quality of life and pain. As this condition impacts each person...

How to massage Achilles Tendonitis for pain relief

I once used to tell patients that massage for Achilles Tendonitis was a waste of time – I was wrong. The reason was simple, I was so focused on exercise...

Knee cap or patellofemoral pain syndrome explained

Have you had knee cap pain that just needed a couple of days rest? Lots of acute injuries will resolve on their own, but new evidence is showing this may...

Are Kuru Shoes Best For Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles Tendonitis is difficult to treat, however finding the right shoe can make all the difference to your symptoms. Kuru shoes have focused their brand on delivering comfortable and supportive...

11 Experts Weigh-In On Return To Running With Achilles Tendonitis

Do you have questions about running with Achilles Tendonitis that need answers ASAP? This article compiles the best evidence to common questions around running with Achilles Tendonitis and seeks out...

Success with Orthotics for Achilles Tendonitis. Fact or Fiction?

Clinicians will often prescribe orthotics for Achilles Tendonitis. The question remains, will sufferers of Achilles Tendonitis find relief when using an orthotic insole? Achilles Tendonitis is caused by repetitive strain...

Braces, night splints, walking boots for Achilles Tendonitis – do they work?

Braces, night splints and moonboots are often considered in the management of Achilles Tendonitis. The reasoning behind braces for Achilles Tendonitis is to take some load off the Achilles Tendon....

Haglund’s deformity: causes, treatment and more

Pain from a Haglund’s deformity can be debilitating. This disease is characterized by a lump on the back of the heel and pain, however the cause of this condition is...

How to treat a lump on your Achilles Tendon in 2023

Lumps on the Achilles Tendon can be worrying especially if they are painful. Thankfully there are only a few reasons for a lump on the Achilles Tendon and most can...

Best shoes for Plantar Fasciitis – insights for 2024

It can be challenging to pick the best shoes for plantar fasciitis, because shoes are ever changing. It’s known from studies that some shoes can improve the symptoms of Plantar...

How to calf raise with superb technique. Seated/standing variations.

Calf raises are an important exercise used to strengthen the calf muscle. This muscle attaches into the heel and helps to point the toes, a movement we use in walking,...

How To Solve Heel Pain In The Morning – causes, home remedies

Heel pain in the morning can arise due to a number of conditions. In most of these conditions the reason for heel pain is local inflammation built up overnight around...

How To Stop Running With Heel Pain! Causes, Treatment, Prevention.

If you are running with heel pain, there are some simple steps you can take to reach a resolution and see you pain free! But before this can happen it...

The Best Shoes For Achilles Tendonitis – Insights into 2024

It can be challenging finding the best shoes for Achilles Tendonitis amidst the vast array of options available these days. As a team of physiotherapist’s, our job is to give...

Taping For Achilles Tendonitis that works!

I rarely use K-taping when taping for Achilles Tendonitis, there’s simply better options. Let me walk you through what they are and how they work. This article will take you...

Load management: the most effective way to treat Achilles Tendinopathy

Load management is crucial for managing Achilles Tendinopathy. So much so, that if you don’t apply this principle, there’s a good chance you simply won’t heal. The good news is...

Heel lifts for Achilles Tendonitis – evidence based or fad?

If you have been dealing with Achilles pain and haven’t tried heel lifts for Achilles Tendonitis, our immediate advice would be to trial heel lifts. Why would I suggest this?...

5 reasons your Achilles tendon exercises are failing!

“I’ve tried Achilles tendon exercises, but they didn’t work for me”, is a phrase I’ve heard too many times over my career as a physiotherapist. It’s sad when so many...

7 reasons for knee buckling: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Knee buckling can cause significant injury if its not diagnosed and treated early. Imagine running to catch that bus your late for and your knee gives way! Or playing your...

Numbness in knee or leg after knee surgery? Causes, treatment and more.

Knee numbness after surgery is very common with up to 85% of surgical candidates experiencing some form of numbness post operation. Even with this high prevalence, the causes and long-term...